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Important notice for the press
Since the merge in 2018, the company’s name in Belgium is Bancontact Payconiq Company; the Belgian payment app is called Payconiq by Bancontact. In Belgium we invite users to download the new Payconiq by Bancontact app.
In the Netherlands, the licensee in charge with the expansion of the Payconiq payment platform across Europe is Payconiq International and the app is called the Payconiq app.

2.5 billion payments with Bancontact and Payconiq in 2024. 2.5 billion times thank you for your trust in us!
Never before were so many payments made in Belgium using Bancontact and Payconiq than in 2024. Whether it’s a quick lunch, an online purchase or splitting the bill with friends, Bancontact and Payconiq are solutions more and more people are turning to. Last year, we recorded over 2.5 billion Bancontact and Payconiq payments. That’s a 4.5% rise compared to 2023.

The Payconiq by Bancontact app and Payconiq solutions for merchants remain your trusted solutions for mobile payments
It was announced in the press this week that Bancontact Payconiq Company is partnering up with EPI (European Payments Initiative). This naturally requires some additional explanation. Most of all, we can reassure you that for both Payconiq merchants and users of the Payconiq by Bancontact app, nothing will change today.

New: set up the Payconiq by Bancontact app with itsme®
From now on, you can safely and quickly set up the Payconiq by Bancontact app on your smartphone via itsme®. This applies both to the initial set-up of the app by new users and to the reinstallation of the app by existing users, for example when you change smartphones.